Только свежие новости


- Near-Miss Asteroid Will Return Next Year, Even Closer
- Solar Storm Seen from Inside and Outside Earth's Magnetosphere
- More Powerful Supercomputers? New Device Could Bring Optical Information Processing
- Demise of Early Large Animals Caused by Both Humans and Climate Change
- Mom's Love Good for Child's Brain
- Genetic Link Between Visual Pathways of Hydras and Humans Discovered
- Drop in Carbon Dioxide Levels Led to Polar Ice Sheet, Study Finds
- Severe Python Damage to Florida's Native Everglades Animals Documented in New Study
- Ultra-Fast Outflows Help Monster Black Holes Shape Their Galaxies
- Crocodiles Trump T. Rex as Heavyweight Bite-Force Champions, New Study Shows
- One Step Closer to a New Kilogram
- Patterns of New DNA Letter in Brain Suggest Distinct Function
- Tiny Primate Is Ultrasonic Communicator
- Meteorite Shockwaves Trigger Dust Avalanches On Mars
- Unprecedented, Human-Made Trends in Ocean's Acidity
- Past in Monsoon Changes Linked to Major Shifts in Indian Civilizations
- Big Pest, Small Genome: Two-Spotted Spider Mite Genome Decoded
- Graphene Electronics Moves Into a Third Dimension
- Quantum Physics Enables Perfectly Secure Cloud Computing
- Scientists Create First Atomic X-Ray Laser
- Sturdy Scandinavian Conifers Survived Ice Age
- Citizen Scientists Reveal a Bubbly Milky Way
- Scientists Discover New Clue to Chemical Origins of Life
- Galaxy Cluster Hidden in Plain View
- Critical Stage of Embryonic Development Now Observable
- Microprocessors from Graphene: Discoveries May Advance Electronic Circuit Technology
- Sea Change Can Forecast South American Wildfires
- 'Dark Plasmons' Transmit Energy
- Gecko Feet Inspire Amazing Glue That Can Hold 700 Pounds On Smooth Wall
- Is Fructose Being Blamed Unfairly for Obesity Epidemic?
- Trees May Play Role in Electrifying the Atmosphere, Study Suggests
- Ancient Dinosaur Nursery: Oldest Nesting Site Yet Found
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Biggest Ever Study Shows No Link Between Mobile Phone Use and Tumors
- A Battle of the Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago?
- Bacteria Communicate by Touch, New Research Suggests
- Helping Your Fellow Rat: Rodents Show Empathy-Driven Behavior, Evidence Suggests
- Step Forward in Effort to Regenerate Damaged Nerves
- How Bacteria Build Homes Inside Healthy Cells
- What Makes a Robot Fish Attractive? Robot Fish Moves to the Head of the School
- Robot Reconnoiters Uncharted Terrain
- Bats Show Ability to Instantly Change Their Ear Shapes, Making Their Hearing More Flexible
- Floor of Oldest Fossilized Forest Discovered: 385 Million Years Old
- Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
- NASA's Hubble Breaks New Ground With Distant Supernova Discovery
- The Blue Planet's New Water Budget: Do We Have Enough?
- TapSense: Touchscreen Technology Distinguishes Taps by Parts of Finger
- Obese Monkeys Lose Weight On Drug That Attacks Blood Supply of Fat Cells
- Dreaming Takes the Sting out of Painful Memories, Research Shows
- Physicists Find Patterns in New State of Matter
- Jumping Droplets Take a Lot of Heat, as Long as It Comes in a Cool Way
- Evidence of Ancient Lake in California's Eel River Emerges
- Strange New 'Species' of Ultra-Red Galaxy Discovered
- Mouse to Elephant? Just Wait 24 Million Generations
- Scientists Prove Plausibility of New Pathway to Life's Chemical Building Blocks
- Culture in Humans and Apes Has the Same Evolutionary Roots, Researchers Show
- Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
- When Continents Collide: New Twist to 50-Million-Year-Old Tale
- Birds Sing Louder Amidst the Noise and Structures of the Urban Jungle
- Starving Orangutans Might Help to Better Understand Obesity and Eating Disorders in Humans
- Generating Power from Salty Water: Unique Salt Allows Energy Production to Move Inland
- Scientists Produce Eye Structures from Human Blood-Derived Stem Cells
- NASA's Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs in Space
- Predator-Prey Relationships Make Possible the Rich Biodiversity of Complex Ecosystems
- Master Controller of Memory Identified
- More Than 7,500-Year-Old Fish Traps Found in Russia
- Fruit Flies Watch the Sky to Stay On Course
- Less Summer Arctic Sea Ice Cover Means Colder, Snowier Winters in Central Europe
- NASA Develops Super-Black Material That Absorbs Light Across Multiple Wavelength Bands
- Rebuilding the Brain's Circuitry
- Early Black Holes Grew Big Eating Cold, Fast Food
- 'Lost World' Discovered Around Antarctic Vents
- Genetic Signatures of Exceptional Longevity
- Nano Car Has Molecular 4-Wheel Drive: Smallest Electric Car in the World
- Genes Linked to Cancer Could Be Easier to Detect With Liquid Lasers
- More Flexible Window Into the Brain
- Plants 'Remember' Drought, Change Responses to Survive
- Switching Senses: Leeches Shift the Way They Locate Prey in Adulthood
- South Pole Telescope Homes in On Dark Energy, Neutrinos
- Worm Seeks Worm: Chemical Cues Drive Aggregation in Nematodes
- Extreme Weather of Last Decade Part of Larger Pattern Linked to Global Warming
- Orientation of Ants: Every Cue Counts
- Design Rules Will Enable Scientists to Use DNA to Build Nanomaterials With Desired Properties
- Cannabis Use Doubles Chances of Vehicle Crash, Review Finds
- Meteorites Reveal Another Way to Make Life's Components
- Neanderthal Demise Due to Many Influences, Including Cultural Changes
- Paleoclimate Record Points Toward Potential Rapid Climate Changes
- Scientists Find Evidence of Ancient Megadrought in Southwestern U.S.
- 'Zombie' Worms Found in Mediterranean Fossil
- Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves the Way to Programmable Quantum Processors
- Hippocampus Plays Bigger Memory Role Than Previously Thought
- Earthquake Friction Effect Demonstrated at the Nanoscale
- Brain Scans Support Findings That IQ Can Rise or Fall Significantly During Adolescence
- Great Eruption Replay: Astronomers Watch Delayed Broadcast of Powerful Stellar Eruption
- Specific Antibodies Halt Alzheimer's Disease in Mice
- New Layer of Genetic Information Helps Determine How Fast Proteins Are Produced
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- Waiting for Death Valley's Big Bang: Volcanic Explosion Crater May Have Future Potential
- Ten-Second Dance of Electrons Is Step Toward Exotic New Computers
- Mars Express Radar Yields Strong Evidence of Ocean That Once Covered Part of Red Planet
- Surface of Mars an Unlikely Place for Life After 600-Million-Year Drought, Say Scientists
- Autism More Common Than Previously Thought: CDC Report Shows One in 54 Boys Identified
- El Gordo: A 'Fat' Distant Galaxy Cluster
- Before They Were Stars: New Image Shows Space Nursery
- Thermonuclear Behavior of Unique Neutron Star Captured
- Bat Brains Parse Sounds for Multitasking
- Dust Linked to Increased Glacier Melting, Ocean Productivity
- Does Antimatter Weigh More, Less or the Same as Matter?

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1 CALL GIRLS IN UDAIPUR  nlm7976kumar
0 59 2023-07-31 09:39:44  nlm7976kumar
0 112 2023-07-09 23:36:31  ulicdes
0 93 2013-03-24 16:42:24  Роман
0 34 2013-03-24 16:40:37  Роман
0 39 2013-03-24 16:39:41  Роман
0 29 2013-03-24 16:38:59  Роман
0 33 2013-03-24 16:37:25  Роман
0 1293 2013-03-24 16:33:23  Роман
0 33 2013-03-24 16:32:36  Роман
0 30 2013-03-24 16:31:56  Роман
0 31 2013-03-24 16:31:12  Роман
0 38 2013-03-24 16:30:22  Роман

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